"Gotta Stay Hungry"

"Gotta Stay Hungry"

Monday, February 22, 2010


I will start off by saying I am know Mark Titus, but i hope one day that my blogs can inspire young americans that have dreams.  Many of you who have joined the group on facebook "Eastside at the 2014 Olympics" are probably thinking is this a joke, are they for real?  To answer questions we are in fact 100% serious.  It started last Thursday as i sit watching the USA team curl, i ponder to myself these guys aren't athletes, they didn't break records in high school.  In fact they are the average american, they don't train they don't take the sport seriously.  Later that day i go to my "walking Class" Ya i said it walking.  As I'm stretching i hear someone talk about curling, i go i wish i could do that.  My teacher goes Jared I am from Wisconsin my family grew up doing it, your one of the most talented kids i have seen take this class, If you took some lessons downtown Indy you could do it.  Thats when I knew this had become a reality, right away i had visions of my teammates that i knew wouldn't laugh at this idea, and would take this seriously.  Matthew Catton( The Marksman), Myself(Head Master), Patrick Kraft(The Ace), Zach Canterbury(The Prodigy),Jake Canterbury(The Man), and our alternate Jeremy Watkins(The witch).  Immediately I E-Mail, i will admit as a joke the USA curling committee, did i expect a response back to be honest no.  Then 6pm came rolling around and the treasurer of the USA Olympics Curling committee actually called me.  I was in shock couldn't believe it, honestly thinking this was a joke i realized this is an opportunity why not embrace it.  So as i sit here writing the first blog of what will become many until we compete, i realize we don't know much about this sport, but who says that will stop us.  Our lessons start this summer at the Indiana Skate Academy, each and everyone of us are excited and ready to begin.  At this exact moment in the blog process i am listening to "The Climb" by Miley cyrus. Why? Because just like the song says it isn't about how fast we get there it isn't about what's waiting on the other side it's the climb.  Each and everyone of you hating or writing on the wall saying this is a joke, I promise we will be at the World Championships in Kalamazoo.  At this point in our process I'm not going to write on here were going to Russia, do i believe we can?  Yes, we have just as good of a shot as any other team competing in the qualifications.  Everyone that doesn't believe in us, great that just lights a fire inside of us, and makes us work that much harder.  
Life's to short to not have fun, and do what makes you happy.  As i sat today eating a chicken tender salad with my bro and teammate matthew Catton we realized something. You'll always wonder what if... Things could have been different, could have been better, just a little more effort and it could have been.  This doesn't just go with curling, but everything in life.  Every day i walk out of my room there's a picture with accomplishments in my life hanging on my door before i exit. I will admit there's a lot of track pictures on that picture, also  football, and most importantly family.  In the middle of all these pictures is probably my favorite quote or saying "Leave No Doubt".  Like i have said before this doesn't just relate to sports, but everything in life.  If you "Leave No Doubt" in life then you will have no regrets, even though stuff might not workout how you like it to, if you have left no doubt at least you can go to bed at night and say "I did everything I could".  So with ending this first blog post i will say in 100% confidence and "Real Talk" my teammates and hopefully future USA Olympians for 2014 will "Leave No Doubt" training, curling,studying, and each and every weekend we go out.

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